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ECECAF has provided over $10.5 million in scholarships from 2007 to 2024

ECECAF Scholarship Program

The ECECAF scholarship program provides up to $5,500 over two terms ($2,750 per term), and awarded over $1 million in 2024.

Members’ children can benefit from ECECAF post-secondary scholarships. The ever-rising costs of education can place a financial strain on our members. Scholarships are the ideal form of student aid to help subsidize these costs, and they never have to be repaid.

Children are eligible to receive a scholarship towards post-secondary tuition fees provided that:

  • Parent(s) contribute to the Fund for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to the start date of the first term application
  • Student age must be under 25 years at the start date of the scholarship term
  • Student must be accepted into an accredited and approved full-time educational post-secondary program (or apprenticeship)
  • Fall (September) term applications are to be submitted after receiving grades in December and by March 31
  • Winter (January) term applications are to be submitted after receiving grades in April and by July 31
  • Full-year programs and apprenticeships are to be submitted within 90 days of receiving grades

Extenuating circumstances with regard to these conditions may exist. The Board of Trustees reviews these on a case-by-case basis.

ECECAF Scholarship – Guidelines and Application Form

DMR Memorial Scholarship Program

Applications are CLOSED for Fall 2024 study. This is the final year for offering the DMR Memorial Scholarship competition.

Congratulations to the recipients for the past 4 years and thank you to our anonymous donor!